All your Marketing Data live
in Looker Studio

Create live dashboards, build reports
and get better insights using Avian.

Most popular connectors

Avian is the reliable, secure and fast choice for Looker Studio connectors.
Used by over 500 companies, Avian is the leading connector company for any destination.

Google Analytics 4

Google Ads

Google Search Console

Facebook Ads

Facebook Insights

Instagram Insights

TikTok Ads

Created with Fabric.js 5.2.4


Easy to use Google Data Studio Connectors

Our connectors are easy to set up, offer multiple account support and all come with a 7 day trial.

Select Connector

Avian connectors are easy to set up. With Avian you get your data flowing faster.

Select Data

Avian connectors for Looker Studio include all possible metrics and dimensions.


Connect multiple accounts, refresh authentication and manage your data through a simple dashboard.

Discover insights from your marketing data twice as fast.

Extract and analyse thousands of metrics and dimensions using Avian for Looker Studio.

  • Sync in seconds
  • All metrics & dimensions
  • Multi-account support
  • Blended data

Create dashboards in Looker Studio with fresh marketing data.

  • Using Looker Studio you can manipulate and visualise your data easily.
  • Avian Connectors automatically sync your data to Looker Studio - you decide how often.
  • Have better control over who can access this data using Looker Studios sharing and privacy features.

Unlimited possibilities with Avian

📊 Build interactive dashboards
📁 Create automated copies of your data
📋 Stop copy/pasting data manually
📈 Analyze one or more campaigns
➗ Extract more in-depth data from Ads
📝 Share specific data with your team
🌐 Get customized ad performance data
✅ Create conversion funnels
👀 Analyze data using all possible metrics

Try Avian in Looker Studio with a 7 day trial

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